Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What a Wild Ride

Well, it has been a very interesting time to be in this automotive related business, to say the least. I have said that in the last 18 months to 2 years, my colleagues and I have experienced things within the business that no one else has before. The day-to-day volatility has provided for so much experience handling unique situations with dealers.

Many of the dealers that I have had in my territory have been around for a long time. All of them have never been through a time like this. Many have had to adjust to these drastic changes that include losing a piece if not all of a business that has been in their family for decades. Contrary to public opinion, which seems to have developed such a disdain for the automotive industry, many of these dealers are hard working, honest people that now face this threat to their livelihood in this shrinking industry.

Many of these dealers have been fiercely loyal to their business partners and are now being dealt an unfair hand. Unfortunately, it was a business decision that was out of our hands. My company did not have any input with regards to the dealers that had their franchises pulled, so I do not have any inside knowledge to how the decisions were made. I can speculate from what I have heard but I am not in a position to do so at this time.

These dealers have become more than just business partners to me. The relationships that I have cultivated have evolved to a point where there is a mutual interest in each others personal lives and well being. Many of my dealers expressed concern for me and my future while they were going through troubles of their own. These calls meant a lot to me and told me much more about what I had accomplished in my time here.

The relationships and partnerships contributed to why I enjoyed my job so much. I gained so much satisfaction from gaining their trust and their business. When a dealer would call to have me consult them with regards to a business decision, I knew that I was more than just a finance guy from another finance company. When a dealer would give me over 80% of his business, I knew that I had a cultivated that relationship and it gave me great satisfaction. This is what drove me to excel at my job.

The skills I have developed during my time here translate to other jobs and industries outside the automotive finance industry. I am passionate about people, whether they are business partners or subordinates that I manage. As I transition from this company into another, I hope that I will be able to continue cultivating relationships that transcend the typical business partnership. As that next door opens, I hope to be able to walk through and stay awhile like I have been able to do here.

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